The HMO Professionals

Want to create additional streams of income?

if you want to become a landlord but don’t have the time or know where to start, we can do it all for you while you sit back and relax

Investing in a HMO, or any property for that matter, can most certainly be exciting and open up endless amounts of opportunities. However, of course an investment in anything can be a daunting scenario; especially if you are entering uncharted territory or starting a HMO journey for the first ever time. That is why so many people look to set up a joint venture in the first instance.

When partnering with The HMO Professionals to invest, we can help you to become a landlord whilst at the same time allowing you to sit back, and relax, whilst we do the hard work.

Put very simply, a joint venture when investing in a HMO will open up a whole new range of possibilities and if choosing your partner right it could most certainly be very advantageous. You see, it does not matter how good, effective, intelligent or well-connected one person is. By having a strong partner by your side and having a joint venture with someone you have the ability to pretty much multiply your chances of success.

By opting for a joint venture you are taking out the isolation that one person may feel when entering a HMO investment and will give you the opportunity to potentially find more money to fund the project, give you access to larger and a broader network, will allow you more time to hunt for deals and will also double up or multiply the amount of knowledge and experience invested in the HMO project.

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Why People Choose to Work with Us

Put simply, we truly are The HMO Professionals. We have vast experience in HMOs and other property investments. By entering into a joint venture alongside us, you get full access to our wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise. Not only that, you get access to our network of other like-minded individuals that can help us to ensure that any investment we move into becomes a success.

 So if you have ever thought about entering into the property market, but have been unsure on where to start, how to start, and are looking for some guidance, then be sure to get in touch with us today – we can work closely together to ensure an investment that gives you the lifestyle you deserve.

Solid Return on Investment

 We all like to know that our money is not only secure, but it is working well for us too. Let’s be honest here; interest rates within the banks is at an all-time low with no indication that they are due to rise any time soon. Not only that; with inflation as high as it is, if not invested properly, you could in fact be losing around 5% every single year.

You don’t want that. And we certainly want that either.

Investing in HMOs in the correct manner can provide up to three to four times the cashflow of a standard buy to let – and that is excluding the capital growth of your investment growing in value too.

 Don’t worry if investing in property of HMOs is new to you; this is where The HMO Professionals can help and support you. We are here to do the leg work and the hard work for you whilst you sit back and see your investment grow.


Ongoing Support

As experts in HMOs and other property investments we have seen firsthand, and experienced all of the negative aspects of investing, and we have also learned from a lot of mistakes. This allows us to truly recognise what will work, and what will not work, and puts us at a good advantage for us to help you make your investment a success.

Although HMOs provide a great investment and offer a chance to achieve profits many times higher than a single let, they require extra work and operations to ensure that they meet all of the regulations and criteria; and this is where we can help you.

Do not invest alone – work alongside The HMO Professionals and allow for a greater return on investment with less stresses and strains.

Keeping up with Regulations

 Talking about regulations for a second, becoming a landlord enters you into a minefield of legislation and regulations that can bog you down if you are not careful. The same can be said for HMOs aswell. For very good reason, regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of tenants.

However, with all these regulations in place it can become time consuming and mind-boggling to understand them and to ensure your HMO fits the bull. When working with The HMO Professionals you do not have to worry about those regulations as we take on all of this for you and ensure that our joint venture is safe, legal and secure.


We Save you Time

The most important asset in this world is time, and we recognise that you may not always have the time to look after and nurture your investments – that is why we do it on your behalf. If opting for a fully managed approach, you will receive:

  • Property sourced in an area where there is a high demand for HMO’s

  • Purchased via our power team to ensure a smooth and quick transaction

  • Refurbed to a high standard ensuring all local amenities standards and safety requirements are met

  • Tenanted and maintained to ensure a sustained cash flow and capital growth for your investment.



How We Can Help

If you are looking to invest in property and perhaps:

  • Don’t know where to begin.

  • Don’t have the time.

  • Don’t understand regulations.

  • Are new to investing.

  • Want ongoing support with HMOs,

Then it is best you contact us so we can support you through the investment process through start to finish, answer any questions you have, and look to start a joint venture with us.

As The HMO Professionals, we have a portfolio vast and wide and we truly are the experts when it comes to investing in HMOs. By having us on your side, you have a strong ally that will help you see a return on your investment in next to no time.

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